Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Medium Pulp

The movie Pulp Fiction is an exceptional film in many ways and it represents so many values that individuals hold true today. One of those values that families and individuals hold true is responsibility. Responsibility is broadly defined as reliability or dependability per There are a few instances in the film that demonstrate responsibility. One of the first instances of responsibility is when Brad does not hold true to Mr. Wallace word and his transaction. So Vincent and Jules pay Brad a visit to settle the lack payment, mob style. Brad lost Mr. Wallace's respect and his word of responsibility and most important, his life.

Another instance in which responsibility is present is when Vincent is asked by Mr. Wallace to take care of his wife, Mia, and do what ever she wanted. It is Vincents responsibility to Mr. Wallace to make sure Mia has fun but at the same time she is safe. Vincent takes Mia out to eat, they do a little dancing, and talk about a 5-dollar shake. Upon returning to the residence of Mia Wallace, Vincent decides to take a leak (code for talk to himself in the bath room), Mia finds a bag of cocaine in Vincents jacket and want to do a line. Well she does a line alright and ends up overdosing. Vincent takes her to his suppliers house and gives her a shot of adrenaline. This was his responsibility, take care of Mia, in which he did.

Tarantino's style is something that can never be topped. He has a such an artistic ability to make a movie with amazing turnouts. One way Tarantino went against convention is the fact that there was not beginning, middle, and an end. He started at the end, then went to the beginning, then toward the end, and then to the middle; it just shows how he has the ability to make a motion picture with such amazing touch. I believe this type of production works so well. It keeps the audience involved, it makes them think, and it is not the same old thing that you see on television everyday. I'm going to take the fact that movies are gonna be all different, and not all like Tarantino's, but that is what attracts people to view the films.

1 comment:

Jacki Belknap said...

Great interpretation. You seem to have really grasped it.