Thursday, April 17, 2008


Ever have one of those days when you wish you could go back and say something to a lost one that you never told them? I'm sure that there is more than 0ne individual that wishes they could say that something special. With wanting to be able to go back in time and to express feeling is a difficult task. For one, they have not invented the time machine, and two, not everyone is good with words.

I tried to mimic Mitch Albom. Just reading any of his books makes me think about life itself and what it has to offer. His style is so amazing, you feel as though you can relate to him in every aspect of his writing and wonder how this can be. He is able to draw an audience and keep them reading, and finishing the book in the same sitting. Not a hard task when reading a Albom series. Truthfully there is no way to mimic this amazing author who reaches hearts around the world.

1 comment:

Jacki Belknap said...

I agree that Mitch Albom is an incredible writer whose talent is clear to almost all audiences. This is a good attempt at mimicking him. Would you consider him an inspirational writer or simply an emotional writer?